Saturday morning, we received a FedEx package from our agency in Denver.
The package included our certificate on acceptance (we signed and returned promptly), a physician's report from our daughter's last physical (all looks good, and she seems to be developmentally on track), some info about her daily routine (up at 7am, two naps, very busy through the day, in bed at 9:30pm), and her likes and dislikes (favorite toy- rubber ball, and likes playing games). Probably the most precious contents were the two additional photos of our "little swallow" (the Chinese translation of the name Yan). Her new name is still a work in progress.
As we continue to communicate with our fellow parent's-to-be, the photos have become somewhat humorous. Many others have a very similar image, with their little child placed in the same spot on the green carpet- almost like there is a little "x" on the floor for the photographer to use to capture the perfect shot. None of us seem to care. The important part of each photo is the visual confirmation of the health of our child and the little expectant eyes, staring back at us.
We continue to spread the word of our exciting news and have been touched by all the well-wishes from everyone.
I'm so happy for you guys. She is absolutely beautiful!
If she was going to be mine I would neglect my work and just stare at her picture all day too.
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