A couple shots today. Helena, catching up on her reading...she has really started getting grabbie and loves to hold something in her hand (usually a cheerio in one and something else like her toothbrush or room key in the other). It took a couple days for her to have any interest in toys. Her item of choice was a teething biscuit, which she wouldn't eat, but just hang on to in her death grip. Also some smiles, when Helena and Mom played airplane today. Fun stuff.
In the world of Chinese adoption, hopeful parents don't talk about the stork, they talk about the Swan...The White Swan Hotel. The Hotel does a very tidy business, catering to adoptive families. The White Swan sits on a little island, surrounded by the Pearl River. In its heyday the island was home to many of the countries' consulates. Today, only the Polish consulate remains on the island, but it still has a very old, colonial feel to it. Some of the old buildings around here are beautiful old structures and some date back several centuries. Equally as impressive are some of the huge old trees- not sure of the varieties, but they have great, grand limbs that branch out like large banyan trees. In addition to the 711, where we buy our juice and beer (and where Justin was asked out front if he needed a "good time" one night), every little store attempts to Westernize itself with a name, like Lucy's Place (our lunch spot), Suzy's Place (they do our laundry), Michael's Place (decent folk art for sale), and Linda's Place (cheap t-shirts and souvenirs).
The White Swan is not that old. Built I'm guessing in the 60's or 70's it is considered a four star hotel (I think), and it obviously still carries some cache with the local populace. There is a constant stream of brides and photographers, shooting around the hotel. And the Chinese staying at the hotel seem fairly well-to-do. The hotel is packed with staff, all friendly and willing to help. Lots of security, door men and every floor has a floor attendant that greets you when you get off the elevator "hello, dis wey plees," Or "house da baybee?"
For us, and for dozens upon dozens of western couples, the Swan is home for up to two weeks, while the adoptions are finalized. We were fortunate to not have to pick up our daughter in another province and then have to relocate and come here. We will stay our entire trip in the White Swan, which makes things very easy and two weeks is long enough to get into a routine of sorts. Probably one of the most fun activities of the day is breakfast. We head down between 8 and 9 to eat our western style buffet. This time of day restaurant is a sea of little Asian babies. Quite a thing to see, parents of all shapes and sizes from all over the US and abroad doting on their new little angels. We greet many of the families in our group and check in on each of the children's progress. One of us feeds little Helena her breakfast of rice congee, bananas, watermelon and banana bread, while the other runs around gathering food for the nest. The rest of the day varies, depending on the activity, but we usually manage to get our little one down for a nap, get to the gym, hang out in the play room (where most of Helena's smiles appear), and visit the Koi pond and waterfall.
We continue to feel very luck with our little girl's progress. She sleeps very well (almost twelve hours a night), eats like a horse (not much you put in her mouth that she rejects), and amuse us with a little personality quirk (like kicking her little foot back and forth when she is being held and content). One thing Helena has not taken to is wearing diapers. She fusses quite loudly whenever we lay her down to check her diaper or change her clothes. And Val has taken to calling her "Complana" when its changing time.
Congratulations to the three of you and your future life together. I am a third cousin of Helena's. I was just talking to my uncle Al, Helena's great grandfather and he is a very proud man and looks forward to news on his great granddaughter. I can only imagine your joy and get teary eyed just following your journey and thinking of the years of happiness this little girl will bring to so many. Love from Joan
Dear Justin and Val,
Congratulations with your beautiful little daughter Helena !
We are so happy for you! It's so nice to see the three of you as a happy family, finally united.
Paul is looking forward to catch up with you in March.
Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Paul & Ilse, Belgium
we're happy for your growing family. parenthood, easy?? best wishes on your 6106 miles trek.
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